38 definitions by lec2

Teenage girls who are oversexually active. and trys to have sex with every teen male person in her neighborhood. they even fuck ugly mugs.

she maybe hated by other female neighbors because of all the attention she gets or trys to get.

nasty dirty hoes with no morals.
you kiss them your kissing all the guys penis in the neighborhood all in one.

Basically shes like a female version of a male player. and is excited she got you too fuck her.

Bayarea Version Toss Up
"After I fucked that hoodrat last night I got a burning sensation in my dick when I pee".

"Dude that hoodrat fucked you over".
by lec2 February 10, 2003
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Slang Term To mean "Money".

Orgin: Everywhere - as old as welfare started.

where in wellfare. people get free Money and Govt. Cheese. Real cheese handed out for food for people in the poverty line.

Cheese comes from the term "Government Cheese" but in slang its refer to the "MONEY". cuz thats what you both get at the welfare line. but it is used to mean "Money" for anything.

this is an old slang. alot of old movies uses it.
"I lost my job. I need to find somewhere new to get my cheese".
by lec2 February 9, 2003
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Hawaiian Pidgeon Talk for friend.

Orgin: 60's Hawaii

in kauai my cousin started it! ha!
"Tanks Brah"
by lec2 May 7, 2003
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Garci Y Vega - a brand of cigars used to smoke marajuana. California version of the phillyblunt
"I got a Vega and you don't got one!".
by lec2 February 10, 2003
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Police Station

Cali: Street Slang 1990's
like it says.

bail me out at the Cop Shop man!!!
by lec2 May 9, 2003
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Bang Somebody's Head against the curb.

NY street slang 90's
these suckas be getting kurb jobs
by lec2 May 14, 2003
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A Marijuana that is rolled with cigarette paper BUT DONE RIDICULOUSLY HUGE.
Person1:Check this Spliff out man!!!
Person2:Oh yeah! look at mine!
Person1:wait... I wasn't done.
Person2:Holllllly SHIT!!!
by lec2 May 14, 2003
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