38 definitions by lec2

A Police officer. especially the ones that rides on bikes.

Orgin: California late 80's

police officers that patrols certain beaches on bikes wore a vest that said PO in huge blockletters on each of their chest. which means Police Officer. they usually ride around in group of two's.

when you see them coming by. you see the word "PO" "PO" when they stand next to each other.
Man.. here comes the PoPo to tell us what to do again.
by lec2 February 9, 2003
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Embarrasing mistake or moment; used to refer somebody or situation.

Orgin: Sf bayarea mid 80's hiphop street

a person who trys to do something but does it wrong.

sample situation:
just like when a guy trys to talk to a girl on a flight of stairs but falls down it. and a group of friends in the distance watching yells "MODED!" and laughs.

or somebody sees somthing happen and under his voice he whispers to his friend. "that shit was moded".
"Jayjay been braggin he could slam. and when he try to prove it he missed the rim and fell backwards".... "yea that shit was moded! hahahah!"
by lec2 February 9, 2003
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term used for a female nympho. starts to get a gap between their legs in the crotch area from spreading their legs and getting banged on to often... even when their legs are closed together or when walking a gap is noticable.
"ya wanna know if shes a slut? check out that wide gap!!!"

"Man she got a gap wider than the grand canyon!"
by lec2 May 7, 2003
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a person who blaze a joint alone.
Man! I caught AJ with a joint half way up his nose!
by lec2 May 14, 2003
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"Fuck Them Yayo Cola Fiends".
by lec2 February 10, 2003
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to look.

derived from peep'n tom.
by lec2 May 8, 2003
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