14 definitions by lady lynxx

Fake 'sick days' that people take off work that are actually called 'hate days'
i.e. employees that hate their job/company so much that they fake sick days
Example of a post hate day convo in the morning...

Employee 1: yo dude, you've been off for ages...where you been?

Employee 2: well you know, i had a few HATE days comin....i got most of the rage out of me now i think...

Employee 1: yeah i think i've got a few comin my way too....i'm overdue a coupla HATE days...

Manager : Hey! employees 1 & 2, i've clocked you coming in exactly 2.3 seconds late through the door - how are you going to make up that time?

Employee 2: Damn i feel another few HATE days comin on.....i might have to take a half a HATE day today yo...

Employee 1: i'm with you on that one....
by lady lynxx March 25, 2009
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A kinder way to describe a goatee style beard on a female.
Dude 1: Ha ha ha...omg...dude

Dude 2: What's so funny

Dude 1: Check out the chick in the booty shorts...

Dude 2: Oh I see her...she has some fu-man chu action going on. I'd still hit though...

Dude 1: Totally...

by lady lynxx April 9, 2009
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A significant other or main squeeze that is totally a figment of one's imagination. i.e. they are all in your head. Usually a celebrity crush.
Chick 1: Girlfriend, you know that I had to catch that new Keanu Reeves flick!

Chick 2: Dude you watched a Keanu Reeves movie? Oh...I forgot, he's totally your figboo...

Chick 1: Yep Yep! Gotta support my boo...

by lady lynxx March 25, 2009
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Being asked to do something at work that is way above and beyond the pittance that you actually get paid. Can also be used in everyday situations when one is asked to do something that will inconvenience their everyday life.
Example 1

Boss: Alice, I need you to give me the calculations on those reports by close of play today!

*Blank stare from Alice*

Boss: Well don't just look at me...get started!

Alice: Dude, I'm just the secretary. Doing detailed reports is way above my paygrade.

*Boss mumbles curses*

Boss: Fine then! I'll get Smithers to do it...

Example 2

Chick 1: So did you hook up with Scotty in the end?

Chick 2: Nah, I found out that he was two-timing me so I bailed out...

Chick 1: That's a shame dude...but why didn't you fight for your man? I would have if it was me...

Chick 2: Sorry but fighting over a loser is way above my paygrade.

Chick 1: True..true...
by lady lynxx April 1, 2009
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Used to describe the last day of the working week when members of an office bring in sweet sugary buns, doughnuts, cakes and pastries for everyone else to binge on. The Starbucks Cinnamon bun is a good Fun Bun Friday staple as is the Krispy Kreme dozen donut box.
Secretary 1: Sandy, what day is it today?

Secretary 2: It's Wednesday dude...

Secretary 1: Damn...still two days left until Fun Bun Friday!

Secretary 2: Don't remind me! In fact I feel like a fun bun right now...

Secretary 1: F**k it. Let's go to Starbies!

Secretary 2: Cool...let's roll!

by lady lynxx April 9, 2009
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Quite simply a conssisseur of males within a group of females (or gay males). A maniosseur's rating of a dude is always rated above everyone else's in the click.
Two chicks walking down Sunset Blvd...

Chick 1: Omg look at that cutie across the road! Isn't that Zac Efron?

Chick 2: Nah, he wishes that he was Zac Efron. But check out that other dude on the Harley at the red light...total Keanu Reeves look alike. Oh wait, it actually is Keanu Reeves!

Chick 1: Dang Tracy! How come you always spot the hottest ones!

Chick 2: I don't know Debbie. I guess I have the maniosseur's eye...

Chick 1: That's true. You perfected your maniossuerism in high school when you were just a nerd. The boys never even looked at you back then...

Chick 2: Well I bet they're gonna look at me now that I've bought myself these two babies!

*pulls up t-shirt and flashes Keanu on bike for emphasis, then runs off after causing multiple cars to crash into each other*

Chick 1: Dude...wrong-o!
by lady lynxx April 1, 2009
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A nicer word for the common recreational yet illegal drug cocaine.
Employee 1: Omg look at Katie. That woman is amazing..she worked 80 hours last week and still comes into work every morning so full of energy. I mean look at her, she's buzzing around the office like a little bee!

Employee 2: Oh I guess you don't know about Katie's little problem do you?

Employee 1: What problem?

Employee 2: She's just just high on the happy dust that's all. Katie is looking to get a promotion and is gonna do almost anything to get it!

Employee 1: Dang...and I thought she was just that brilliant! Now I feel like an idiot...

Employee 2: Sorry hun, that's the happy dust for ya!
by lady lynxx April 1, 2009
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