1020 definitions by kung-fu jesus

Any fad that starts off on the internet and recieves minor, temporary interest from the tabloid press. Such examples are the paris hilton video, all your base are belong to us, back orifice, child pornography, paedophilia/pedophilia, 14 year old hackers taking down the national grid or stealing money from credit cards etc.
Due to the fact that most regular internet users are jack-off morons with a lust for gratuitous sex/gratuitous violence or other gratuitous shit, internet fads tend to be very ghey.
by kung-fu jesus April 19, 2004
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Rooney is a scouse
I saw him rob your house.
Wayne Rooney is an ugly child, and he hates to lose the ball. But very good.
by kung-fu jesus June 23, 2004
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To be heavily armed.
"The French are have cannon"

"Are you sure"

"Sorry, I meant the taliban"
by kung-fu jesus April 30, 2004
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To over-react to a minor annoyance. Typically a trait of liberals and feminazi's
Did you just think "Wait, liberals ARE feminazis!"?

If so, you are welcomed, my fellow conservative.
by kung-fu jesus April 30, 2004
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(n.)An intermediary who charges for his/her services in obtaining other people's services because the customer is too lazy.
The middle-man will make sure that your laziness costs you.
by kung-fu jesus June 24, 2004
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