1020 definitions by kung-fu jesus

The actor assuming the part of the bad guy, who is designated to piss off the audience.
Alan Rickman is a good heel. He pwn3d in Die Hard.
by kung-fu jesus April 15, 2004
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A sentence I like to use when someone has been stating assfacts.
Just see some of the more 'popular' definitions on this site to see places where this is applicable.
by kung-fu jesus April 17, 2004
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A remake of a sequel or a sequel to a remake. Night of the living dead was remade in the 90's. If I'm correct OJ simpson was in it.
by kung-fu jesus April 20, 2004
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The "Coast of sun". Southern spanish coast. See andalusia. The name comes from it facing south, that is, to the sun.
I wish to kidnap (notice "kid") psycho bitch and take her to the costa del sol where a bunch of lazy spanishj daygos will rape her, eat her and kill her. Preferably in that order. See supersol
by kung-fu jesus April 24, 2004
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(n.) Alleged by many, but unproven either way occurence where someone on the brink of death experiences bliss, a tunnel with a light at the end, and a feeling of knowledge of all thier activities. The experiencer will claim to see any number of things, such as thier own (scientifically) dead body.
That guy has had a near death experience.
by kung-fu jesus May 8, 2004
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Refering to mpg (miles per gallon), this is an avergae of mpg in urban area, which is usually high due to the stopping, starting and speed differences , and that of rural area, which is much lower (about 10-40% lower)
Urban: 26mpg
Rural: 38,pg
Urban+rural: 32 mpg
by kung-fu jesus May 5, 2004
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