22 definitions by koalaroo

A huge church that is usually baptist or non-denominational evangelical. The size of the church and of the parking lot might make some confuse it with an airport. It usually has a ton of money and a huge congregation willing to fork over money for whatever reason the pastor deems necessary. The church goers may seem brainwashed.
Did you see that new Goditorium off of highway 123? It must have like 10,000 members...
by koalaroo February 29, 2008
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When the mammary tissues of a male become pronounced, usually as a side effect of obesity. Also called man tits.

This is a medical condition called gynecomastia.
Dude, that kid has such big moobs he needs a bra!
by koalaroo February 28, 2008
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"Palmetto bug" is a southern euphemism for the giant flying cockroach that inhabits the southeastern US. It is more commonly referred to as the "American cockroach" in scientific conversations.
A palmetto bug flew through the front door and into my face. I wanted to bathe in Lysol afterward.
by koalaroo May 19, 2008
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Fear or hatred of whites; fear or hatred of people of European decent. Often associated with racism against whites. This hatred is usually seen as justifiable and often is not viewed as racism.
The derogatory use of words like "cracker" and "snowflake" is indicative Caucasophobia.

Reverend Jeremiah Wright has a raging case of Caucasophobia.
by koalaroo May 3, 2008
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A condition in which a person has multiple STDs. Usually acquired by promiscuous fucktards who refuse to use condoms during intercourse. Used to signify how nasty someone is.
I heard John got herpagonosyphilaids from all those hooknasties.
by koalaroo February 28, 2008
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A ginormous diamond engagement ring. Often found on the ring finger of a gold digger.
Holy shit! I just got blinded by the skating rink on that chick's finger!
by koalaroo February 28, 2008
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This is the condition that occurs after a night of binge drinking and the subsequent bout of vomiting. Alcorexia is caused by a hangover so bad that the sufferer cannot eat. A night of alcolimia is often followed by a day of alcorexia.
Some sorostitutes may view alcorexia as a sound form of dieting. After all, it does cut carbs.
by koalaroo May 19, 2008
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