26 definitions by king kong NINJA

adding ass to a word increases its intensity, much as a superlative or other such quantifier would. if something is funny-ass shit it is more funny than if were described as merely funny shit. the same goes for stupid ass shit or stuff. ass is usually a compound suffix with another noun word like shit, stuff, drink, etc. as in, that was a delicious ass soda. do not try explaining this particular use of this word to people who speak another language unless you want hilarity to ensue. there are rules governing its useage, but they are unclear.
that was a weak ass attempt at a definition.
by king kong NINJA April 22, 2004
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(noun, adj. noun) a love for another person so intense and unyielding that it is potentially militant.
solidarity sis. solidarity.
by king kong NINJA April 20, 2004
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any impressive accomplishment. based on a slang term for homerun, it is used to designate when one has "hit it out of the park"
i didn't know you can breakdance bill!
yeah, well chicks dig the longball.
by king kong NINJA April 20, 2004
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good circumstances, luck, a surfeit of fortunate occurences. the opposite of dead babies which is of course comically bad circumstances
i had a lot of trouble adjusting to my new surroundings, but ever since i met this new group of friends, it's been beer and titties
by king kong NINJA April 20, 2004
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Something which is not good, distinctly not second or third rate even, but tenth rate. Originated, as far as i can tell, in vietnam where the phrase, you're number ten gi joe might've been popular. popularized in the movie indiana jones by that kid.
you not number one, you number ten doctah jones
by king kong NINJA April 20, 2004
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to rise from seemingly insurmountable circumstances and prevail. taken from the transformation both the comic book hero the incredible hulk and pro-wrestling icon hulk hogan's sudden transformations. The emphasis is however on hulk hogan who regularly powered out of dire straits and "ran wild" on his opponents. This is a particularly useful phrase to use when describing someone who consistently overcomes adversity at the last possible second.
He seems to be doing poorly in this class, but i'm pretty sure he'll hulk up for the finals.
by king kong NINJA April 20, 2004
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