13 definitions by king simmo

MUMBLER - an attractive girl in tight shorts or jeans, etc.i.e.you can see the 'lips' moving but can't quite make out what they're saying.
by king simmo October 16, 2003
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Face Begging is when you use social media, most often facebook, to beg people for money. A common way for people to let their friends know they are both poor and past shame.
I really want to go out for a beer but im not paid til tomorrow. I know i'll do a little shameless face begging in a status update, its not like people can lose any more respect for me and it just might work.
by king simmo November 14, 2013
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an unhinged and overly possessive woman. From the rabbit boiling scene in the film "Fatal Attraction". e.g. "I don't like the look of that aeroplane blonde-could be a bunny boiler".
by king simmo October 16, 2003
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When someone drops a fart of such magnitude that you react as if you were physically punched in the face. Its like being assaulted by death.
I was in the elevator at work and i swear to god Jack delivered a Fart Punch to every one of us in there. I didnt here it coming but when it hit i cried like a little girl that just learned life has consequences.
by king simmo November 14, 2013
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UDder Disappointment occurs when someone has tried time and again to get a phrase into Urban Dictionary only to meet with rejection. For example this can occur if they try to submit legitimate phrases such as Rape of Clowns which genuinly is the collective noun for a group of no fewer than seven clowns outside of the tradditional circus setting. Like charity collecting.
I felt UDder disappointment when the Urban dictionary rejected my submission Keith. I swear it's a real thing.... wait can you hear that, it sounds like the rattling of no fewer than seven collection tins, on this completely ordinary high street. Oh shit man there are eight of them, its a f**king Rape of Clowns man. Poseiden mocks me once more.
by king simmo November 14, 2013
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UP ON BLOCKS - menstruating. i.e. Out of action, a bit like a car in a garage. e.g. "I don't think I'll be in luck tonight lads,the missus is up on blocks".

by king simmo October 16, 2003
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TART FUEL or BITCH PISS - bottled Alcopops, e.g. Hooch, regularly consumed by young women.

by king simmo October 16, 2003
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