11 definitions by killersbytrade

Ususlly a blank sheet of paper with a hole cut in the center. It implies that the paper is a portable glory hole and that the applicant is going to have to perform sexual favors to get the job. Alludes to the act of applying for a job at a strip club.

Also used as an insulting way of telling someone to get lost or that they are pissing you off and are not going to get what they want.
Joe: My ex came over to my house yesterday and wanted to get back together.

Dave: What did you do?

Joe: Gave her the Job Application then told her to fuck off.

Dave: hahahaha!
by killersbytrade May 10, 2010
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When a woman wearing a low-cut shirt intentionally bows forward to flash her breasts while talking to you. This usually occurs when she is trying to convince you to do something for her.
Todd: "Look at Kathy over there flashin' her boobs so Ray will get her coffee."

Frank: "Well all that tituflecting won't work this time, Ray is gay."
by killersbytrade January 31, 2010
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A beating delivered by two or more people against one person who had previously been the object of disdain or ridicule, such as an annoying drunk at a party or a persistent vagrant hounding people for change.
Dave: what happened to Brian at the party? He's all messed up looking.

Joel: he got drunk and staggered into the band's gear and then he wouldn't go home so the band gave him the poor ole tom.

Dave: Ouch!
by killersbytrade June 7, 2010
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A mythical creature usually invoked when someone fails to find an object that is in plain sight. This alludes to the idea that if that object were the dick-eating snake you would have lost your genetalia when you failed to see it.
Bill: "Where are my keys, dammit?"
Joe: "They're right here on the table, man"
Bill: " Oh duh! I see 'em now."
Joe: "Haha! Good thing it wasn't a dick-eating snake"
by killersbytrade May 14, 2010
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