9 definitions by karog

The study, act of studying, act of creating, and act of designing technology that will be used to harm or kill humans.
Mr. Doe is teaching a class on Technokillologie, the subject for this this course is called "How to design a robot to rip off your freinds head".
by karog July 11, 2003
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A chemical paint remover commonly used by the military that almost instantly cracks and dissolves paint. It is commonly used on welds that require NDI "Non Destructive Inspection". Since sanding can alter / hide cracks a chemical stripper is needed. It is called baby shit because it smells horrible and looks like a brown sludgy liquid similar to baby shit. Currently California outlawed baby shit making it harder for the military service members to do their job. A weaker less effective chemical stripper was made to take its place however it is pink and not as strong. Baby shit can burn / slowly eat away your skin. And is not rinsed off metal after stripping it can cause Hydrogen embrittlement. Baby shit gets the job done in a timely fashion.
Hey PFC Shoemaker put some baby shit on those welds so we can take it over NDI. Make sure you have your eye, respiratory, and hand protection on or else the AMO will yell at you like your murdered some one.
by karog December 12, 2007
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The control unit is primarily responsible for directing all the activities of the computer. It also manages interactions between the other components in the computer system. In addition, the control unit contains both hardwired instructions (called microcode or microprograms) to perform operations. An example of an instruction might be the command to fetch information from memory. In older systems, the control unit would be a large number of integrated circuits on a circuit card. On a microprocessor-based system, the control unit is part of the microprocessor.
I the control unit determines when the user's commands will be proccessed.
by karog December 28, 2004
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A old illegal form of currency in the underground world of shadowrunners, deckers, and mages.
I have 250,000 nuyen left on my cred stick.
by karog May 27, 2003
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Air Maintenance Officer. The man or women in the military air wings that is in charge of maintenance. The only thing they care about is getting planes running or air craft parts built. They will pretend to be your friend until you slip up then you see the truth on who they really are.
I thought that AMO was cool but then he made us work 14 hour shifts because we had to many broken planes.
by karog December 12, 2007
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