4 definitions by karlenohwhirl

Stands for "Tunay na Lalaki", a term for real men in Filipino.
"Ikaw ay isang TNL."

You are a real man (TNL).
by karlenohwhirl May 23, 2011
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Didja grow yer spuds in deh roit season?

(Translation: Have you planted your potatoes in the right season?)
by karlenohwhirl January 7, 2011
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A group of internet grammar vigilantes, typically Filipinos, dedicating their internet lives towards the eradication of jejetyping and jejemon existence. Having dangerous links to the grammar nazi, jejebusters enjoy humiliating a jejemon by posting his/her profile on a social networking site, while everyone on the internet laughs, causing unwarranted embarrassment towards the individual caught jejetyping.
Hey jejebusters! I caught another jejemon! LOL, so funny!
by karlenohwhirl March 23, 2010
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A game of two or more people standing up on a running tram, without holding the bars or standing near the walls, competing to see who will be the last man to NOT keel over in their (short) journey.

In order to win, you must not:

1) Bend or fall over
2) Must not budge on your place due to the movement of the tram

3) Must not move, even if people are passing by (and giving dirty looks)
Let's play tram boarding! First one to keel over buys me a burger
by karlenohwhirl May 29, 2011
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