
A group of internet grammar vigilantes, typically Filipinos, dedicating their internet lives towards the eradication of jejetyping and jejemon existence. Having dangerous links to the grammar nazi, jejebusters enjoy humiliating a jejemon by posting his/her profile on a social networking site, while everyone on the internet laughs, causing unwarranted embarrassment towards the individual caught jejetyping.
Hey jejebusters! I caught another jejemon! LOL, so funny!
by karlenohwhirl March 23, 2010
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most of em are grammar nazis, theyre the group of people who supposed to teach jejemon how to type/text neatly/correct.. instead of teachin these jejemons, jejebusters curse and cuss a lot.. which is wrong, and way stupid than the jejemon's writing.. while some, just hate jejemons even when they have no idea what that is.. they just want to be "IN" or popular..

and last, these people are humans who cant respect their own race..
jejemon fanpage: eOwzZ pfUeh! nUh pfOeh 6wAh niUh lhT!? *heLLow! whUt rR u gUyzZ dOin6?!*
jejebusters: putang ina mo! mamatay ka na! *MOFO GO DIE!*
by who.shives.a.git April 28, 2010
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May mean any of these:

1. A person who has above average IQ (ex. highly educated), uses correct grammar all the time and uses critical thinking in many situations. (The exact opposite of jejemon)

2. Someone who dosen't use web language very often and is quite intelligent.

3. Someone who devotes part of their time denouncing jejemons.
YM or FB chat:
jejebuster: Don't use jeje language!

clueless jejemon: wat r u toking about?

jejebuster: oh my gosh! you're one of them!

clueless jejemon: hoo is dem?

jejebuster: I'm out of here!

jejebuster is offline
by caliber38 September 1, 2010
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