11 definitions by karina


by karina December 15, 2003
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someone thatsmells like rotten decaying pineapples
"ahhhhhh!not the plastic turkey leg! damn hobo!ahhh..(wosh)
by karina November 25, 2003
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The most sexiest guy alive and did i mention the most sweetest and lovable and horniest!!!
Diego Rulz
by karina March 4, 2003
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British designer clothing brand known for it's tartan check.
Many Japanese women wear Burberry, and whilst the vast majority of Burberry fans wear it tastefully, chavs make those who wear it tastefully look bad.
She's got a Burberry Blue Label handbag, which is only available in Japan!
by karina June 16, 2006
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1< sh*t, but no-one will know you are swearing

2< god damn!

3< a)OMG?! b)Are you serious?
1< Holy Shw-ut, that's a huge spider

2< Sh-wut man.

b) sh w ut (this is said differently because you say it in awe)
by karina October 8, 2004
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Pencil dick

its as skinny as a pencil , i could choke on it ...
"omg ! itcan fitin my pocket!its like a handy dandy mini pen!"extra small!and skinny as fuck!
by karina November 25, 2003
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