3 definitions by jojosbizarredefinitions

The worlds biggest Manchester United fan. VAR has a tendency to ruin people's dreams because their arm hair was offside.
VAR: The defender touched Rashford, penalty given.
Bruno Fernandes: Only 1 penalty so far this game? Disappointing.
by jojosbizarredefinitions December 9, 2020
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A special species of the fridge. Renowned for his shit defending. Harry Maguire is particularly fond of Greek culture.
Manchester United Fan: "Mom, can we get a fridge?"
Mom: "We already have Harry Maguire."
by jojosbizarredefinitions November 25, 2020
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Zlatan is a legend among men. A blessing on the Earth. When in the company of Zlatan, one can feel like they have achieved enlightenment.
Normie: "I pray to god"
God: "I pray to Zlatan"
by jojosbizarredefinitions November 25, 2020
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