14 definitions by jobflobadobYob


BQ: what's your favourite food?
by jobflobadobYob January 5, 2011
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A police interrogation method similar to good cop/bad cop except it replaces the Bad cop with a mentally disabled cop.
that's it... we will have to use Good cop/Mentally disabled cop on him.
by jobflobadobYob November 1, 2010
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Toilet suppressor

A small amount of toilet paper floating just above the waters surface so when one needs to Bomb Korea it doesn't make a loud splashing noise.
"I had to take a dump and I didn't want anyone to here me so I used a toilet suppressor".
by jobflobadobYob November 9, 2010
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Chuck Noris

You better fix that spelling mistake before he kills you!
its spelt Chuck Norris not Chuck noris, id tell you to run but there's no point, he will find you!
by jobflobadobYob January 13, 2011
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Vin Diesel is 3 weet-bix more than steven seagal. sylvester stallone is about 28 weet-bix while mike tyson is at 36 weet-bix
by jobflobadobYob October 10, 2010
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Big Euro stranger rodeo

One of neg's urban sports similar to Big stranger rodeo except you are only allowed to ride big European guys like a bull.
by jobflobadobYob May 16, 2011
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Movie talker

1. that irritating guy who talks really loud while others are trying to watch a movie.

2. people who commonly talk about movies and television programs because they haven't done anything interesting in there life.
1. i wish that movie talker would shut the fuck up so the rest of us could enjoy the movie.

2. OMG all he does is talk about movies
by jobflobadobYob October 10, 2010
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