170 definitions by jen

An extremely common creature, generally found in urban areas of Scotland. A typical herding animal, they move in packs and pick on weaker species. All neds follow a formula in their appearance in an attempt to fit in with the group and not get their heads kicked in. The male of the species is particularly stupid, and having no guidance, only gets worse. The female of the species is very similar. Usually, neds begin to breed at about the age of 6, though pregnancy can only be achieved after the age of 12. A nedette can be expected to produce about 4 offspring every five years.
Mr Smith : Do you want some money?
Charlene : Yer maw!
Mr Smith : How about you? Do you want something to eat?
Adele : **** you!
Mr Smith : Good grief. But surely you...
JYT guy : Haw, pure mad mental!
Mr Smith : gasp
by jen December 14, 2004
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An example of where a few blowjobs to higher-ups will take you in the WWE.
Any superstar who wants to be world champ, just Randy Orton your way to your goal.
by jen August 18, 2004
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The place "that one guy" takes you because there are no other options.
I followed him into the bathroom knowing there was no turning back but I could not resist his charm and confident stride.
by jen March 29, 2004
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Would be perfect were it not for all the goddamned pr0n. Stupid perverts.
I wish people would keep their disgusting fetishes in private.
by jen September 6, 2004
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Successful underground accoustic/funk rock trio. Sold over 200,000 albums nationwide on their independent label (Bomber Records).
Brad Corrigan (Braddigan)- vocals, drums, guitar, percussion
Chad Urmston (Chetro)- vocals, guitar, bass, percussion
Pete (Francis) Heimbold- vocals, bass, guitar
by jen August 11, 2003
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an exclamation used when one is disappointed or upset.
Fuckage! Those ruddy bastards all left!
by jen June 27, 2004
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