18 definitions by jag140

Gary is a town in NW Indiana named after the founding chairman of U.S. steel, Elbert H. Gary. It was once a nice middle class town with many steel mills and small businesses but ran downhill mainly because of urban decay. Now it has a 25% poverty rate and more than twice as much crime as the US average. Many great people are from Gary, such as the Jackson family, many NFL stars, aswell as actors. Now, Gary remains little more than a poor derelict city. If you happen to drive through Gary, you will notice that it looks more like a post apocalyptic town. NWI locals generally give it the nickname "Scary, Indiana."
You can't drive through Gary, Indiana without seeing bars on windows.
by jag140 August 6, 2011
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Although television is relatively stupid in general, most shows were still too classy, elegant, and intelligent for some people to watch. A TV network that "relates greatly to music" had decided to create a stereotypical show that only people with low intelligent could watch. This show has no real point other than to show people with so much tan that they look like an ugly traffic cone get into fights. The general audience of this show include: Stoners, Pregnant Teenagers, Dumb Blondes, Douchebags, and arrogant morons. Anyone with a reasonable mind and a small trace of sanity would be able to identify that this show is a bundle of crap and insults the entire country.
Jersey Whore Fan: "Yo man, you wanna watch Jersey Shore?"

Me: "No thanks, I would rather watch something more entertaining, like paint drying."
by jag140 August 5, 2011
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Army kids are mainly nerds and geeks that have an obsession with anything that has to do with the military. They usually talk about weapons and go paintballing/airsofting and take it seriously. These kids look up to authority figures and aspire to become one. Their intelligence varies from below average to very high and are generally out-casted. They often have an arrogant attitude and although are usually not a main member of school cliques, tend to drift around and have several friends (mainly other nerds, thespians, punks, etc.)
Kid 1: Why is that kid wearing a military uniform at school?

Kid 2: He must be an army kid.
by jag140 September 19, 2011
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The term Bieber fever applies mainly to prepubescent girls with a few exceptions. Most people that actually have bieber fever are either:
1. Deaf
2. Possesing an IQ below room temperature
3. Pedophiles
4. Knowing nothing about music
5. Under the age of 10

Few people know the cause of Bieber Fever, but it generally causes any girl years younger than him to love him and anyone with a tiny bit of manliness or sense of music having a strong hatred towards the girl they call Justin. Usually this would cause someone to go to jail and eventually get shanked multiple times, but Bieber is a celebrity and is known to attract miles of fools that can actually listen to his sqeaky xbox live-esque voice. After concerts, the crowds are generally worse than riots, and the Local Swat teams have to hold back the now savage fans.
Dumbass Girl: Woo! I have Bieber Fever!

Person with complexity above a fruit fly: He makes horrible music, how can you like him?

Dumbass Girl: STFU! He's very talented

Person: *Sigh* (Procedes to daydream about Bieber getting cudgelled)
by jag140 July 9, 2011
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