4 definitions by jack6128

The people who flock to the comments section of any news story dealing with the tragic death of a sympathetic person or persons and post crap like, "So sad. Prayers up for her and her family," and "Thoughts and prayers to the families and friends."
Those freaking prayer vultures spend more time posting than praying.
by jack6128 April 30, 2010
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MATF 2020! Make America Trump Free in 2020!
by jack6128 December 18, 2019
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What judges do when they hand down a decision you don't like.
The decision by the Ninth Circuit Court to ban roof-mounted bazookas on pickup trucks is a blatant example of judges who legislate from the bench.
by jack6128 June 10, 2012
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One who continues to insist that Barack Obama was born in Kenya even after the release of his long form birth certificate proving he was born in Hawaii
Not even Jesus Himself could convince those crazy afterbirthers that Obama is a natural born US citizen
by jack6128 May 1, 2011
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