11 definitions by j dub

The knocking of fists as a form of greeting, departure, or respect
by j dub March 15, 2003
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when someone narcs you out,rats you out.
by j dub December 10, 2002
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zig-zag brand rolling papers. Term sometimes used to generalize all rolling papers
Are those zig's?
Pass me some zigs
by j dub March 15, 2003
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whatagweenin ya fasibwoy
by j dub March 15, 2003
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When someone gives you a hard look
"That player mean muggin me."
by j dub December 10, 2002
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Derived from "finocchio" or fennel, a derogatory term for homsexual or gay, i.e., people that wiseguys feel nervous around.
I am starting to think that Vito is a cock sucking fanook.
by j dub April 19, 2006
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a brand of rolling papers, but sometimes simply means rolling papers in general.
Are those rizla brand rolling papers?
Pass me some rizlas
by j dub March 15, 2003
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