6 definitions by izzyizzy6969

The complete opposite of a dipshit. Just kidding it’s absolutely the same. Someone who is so stupid that saying dipshit just won’t ever be enough.
Timmy: “I love cats because they remind me of pussy.”
RebeKa:”Stop being such a ShitDip Timmy boy.”
by izzyizzy6969 June 18, 2018
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When you put a pringle on your face and have your girl BUST THAT SHIT
Jackson: “let me put that pringle right there on my face, perfect.”
Taylor: “and sitting on it in 3...2...1... PRINGLE BUSTER.”
by izzyizzy6969 August 13, 2019
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when the dick is as hard as an oak tree ;)
Babe, what is wrong with your dick?
Honey, i have hard oak.
by izzyizzy6969 June 18, 2018
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When you stick two fingers up your butthole and make people sniff them until they can’t smell properly anymore.
jacob- bro you’re so dumb
me-*sticks finger down butthole*
jacob- no. no. not the gluck gluck finger 1000....
me-*forces him to sniff it for 5 minutes*
by izzyizzy6969 August 23, 2020
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The hardest scale in the world. On this scale if you get a 5 that is a 10 on any regular scale. Anytime you are rated on the Trent Scale you know it will be a harsh rating.
“How do I look?”
“Probably a 4 on the Trent Scale.”
“Yay, that’s like a 8 on a real scale!!”
by izzyizzy6969 June 18, 2018
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A term that is used out of pure sarcasm. If someone asks you to do something you simply reply with this comment to irritate them.
Can you take out the trash?”
“Yayayanoya of course.”
by izzyizzy6969 June 18, 2018
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