9 definitions by inksquiddo


pain and agony. even though i homeschool i still want to fucking sob at the thought of getting up and sitting in an uncomfortable wooden seat with nothing but a cushion in it as i work away my energy. I'm actually supposed to be doing civics but im here, just writing this. It's funny how something like an online dictionary can be such a breather for me.
by inksquiddo September 2, 2021
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The concept of "Im going to punch your house until you listen to me."
by inksquiddo September 2, 2021
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economical saucepan

it's a cheap pan.
person: what an economical saucepan
me: ..ok
by inksquiddo September 1, 2021
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my life

the saddest fucking thing you'll ever hear :")
story of my life, basically-
by inksquiddo September 1, 2021
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Why Me

something I ask myself everyday, I never get an answer so you're not getting one, either.
by inksquiddo September 1, 2021
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broski i don't even know what i am anymore, you shouldn't be askin me
A: Hey what's your gender
Me: what
by inksquiddo October 7, 2021
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when you scream in lower case
person: aaaaaaaaaa
person 2: woe they're screg ing
by inksquiddo September 1, 2021
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