88 definitions by holly

Sounds like like Africa, but not. Similar to "nigger".
You drank my whole damn bottle of rum , you stupid afticas!

You're just a dumb aftica!
by holly February 22, 2005
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You and I ought to get together at some time in the future, spend time together, engage in a social activity.
Hey, Joe, you're a fun guy...we should do something sometime.
by holly April 30, 2004
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being in a situation, especially one of a social nature, that is difficult and seemingly impossible to get out of.
Holly: "Damn, this party is lame. I so wanna leave here like right now, but I don't wanna be rude to Kristin either, she's still a great friend. Ugghhhh.... I just KNEW we should have planned an exit strategy, huh?"

Jenn: "For sure, especially since the bash that Terri's having would be WAY more off the chimney no doubt. It sure sucks to be land-locked like this!"
by holly August 15, 2006
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A really gross, slimy guy, who hawks up a hairball while along you stand there checking to make you have nothing on you......
While at Mediplay, I heard a gubernaculum standing next to me and had to run away quickly because I was dying of laughter and I nearly knocked over my friend, who also was laughing hysterically.
by holly December 30, 2004
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A term used for what a girl does with the cum when she is giving head.
Elina spits instead of swallowing when giving Paul head.
by holly February 1, 2005
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When a guy/girl older than 21 creeps, fucks, and/or touches some poon or stick under the age of 16.
GAWDAMNNN, Did you hear about that crazy fuck in that band hardcore raping that chick? F.R.E.A.K.!!
by holly February 2, 2005
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the act of throwing up out the window while drunk.
I was so drunk on Friday night I defenstrated out the cab window.
by holly October 11, 2004
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