19 definitions by guesswho

To be stylin'.
True Benz owner.
Diana is sportin' the fuk outta dat Benzy.
by guesswho December 4, 2004
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An individual who resides in Orfordville, WI.
A hick rides his tractor to school.
by guesswho April 16, 2004
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a poker obssesed washingtonian nerd. also known as scottie bo bottie. an idiot
fucking blackknight foo
by guesswho December 22, 2004
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slang in the nmh class of '08 for a korean boy, infamous for having broken his computer while jacking off.
Didja hear why Fake Dennis doesn't have a roomie anymore?
by guesswho March 7, 2005
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This dude on yahoo chat... Totally erratic. One day chillin' ..the next day posin'. The guy can't make up his mind about anything..other than the fact he wants sex from the ugliest girls in pennsylvania chat. The last one was in the woods for a quick bop in exchange for some illegal prescription pills.
Hey how many fuks does it take a fukker to get a red pee pee?
by guesswho December 4, 2004
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When Fiz goes extremely crazy in the Simon Wai's Sonic 2 Beta AIM chat, this is a phrase she oftens says.
by guesswho March 28, 2004
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