19 definitions by guesswho

The damage caused to the bottom of a boat when the person driving it, is rushing to get to the docks because a passenger is going to shit themselves.
Gary said Keith caused him to Gancer his boat yesterday.
by guesswho March 9, 2005
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Clanus Leaderus publicus communitus
Generous soul devoted to bringing the adult *cough* people together in the world of online gaming.

Also the 1337 Call of Duty Gamer
PUB|DM pwns u

u got pwned by PUB|DM AvE iT!!!

cus i is sexeh
by guesswho January 3, 2005
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A highly unrecognized sport which requires one to be up at absurd hours of the day and in the pool multiple times during the day. The season lasts all year (12 months) for real swimmers. It makes the women look like men and the men look really hot, even when they shave their legs. The highest occurency rate of OCD, swimming is also known as "wall tagging."
~"Ew something smells like chlorine!!"
~"That's me, I had practice today at 4:30 am. But I have to go, I have practice again in 15 minutes. I have no life."
by guesswho March 30, 2005
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An exclamation of excitement or victory. Normally following a happy event involving video games or food.
"Gerr! Mini tacos!"
by guesswho March 18, 2003
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1. N, A mix between spoiled and little shit. Usually associated teenagers.

2. Someone who over spends to compensate for lack of ability.

Synonyms: Brat, Lil'shit, Spoiled, Mammas Boy.
My freinds such a Spoililshit; his parents bought him an M3 after he crashed his Cobra.
by guesswho April 25, 2004
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