4 definitions by graedion
1: a term used to describe a boy or man, typically below 27 years of age, who is delightful, respectful, kind and polite.
2: a sarcastic term denoting to a boy or man, typically below 27 years of age, who is the exact opposite of delightful, respectful, kind and polite.
2: a sarcastic term denoting to a boy or man, typically below 27 years of age, who is the exact opposite of delightful, respectful, kind and polite.
1: Mohammed is always holding the door open for other people, and he's good at cheering people up when they're feeling upset or have been diagnosed with terminal cancer. What a charming young man!
2: Person A: Mohammed isn't in school because he was suspended for setting toilet roll on fire. Person B: No, that was last time. This time he was suspended for physically abusing a teacher. Person C: What a charming young man!
2: Person A: Mohammed isn't in school because he was suspended for setting toilet roll on fire. Person B: No, that was last time. This time he was suspended for physically abusing a teacher. Person C: What a charming young man!
by graedion May 30, 2018
A punishment particularly common in the Irish dancing community. Children who are victims of this evil practice are forced to lie down on their backs and raise their ankles six inches above the floor, putting a lot of strain on their abs, for between 30 seconds and 2 minutes.
Despite this, many teachers more often use the phrase as an empty threat.
Despite this, many teachers more often use the phrase as an empty threat.
by graedion May 30, 2018
A contraction of the words tranny and faggot. Used by transgender people, especially homosexual transgender people, to have a laugh at themselves. Some are offended by this word being used by self-identified traggots, but others say it's fine to reclaim such words to describe yourself.
by graedion May 30, 2018
An awesome guy who is likeable, smart, funny, and sporty. He gets all the girls because he has a pleasant face, and his hockey team will probably win the state championship. He is the kind of person who wouldn't put his mouth around the whole water bottle opening when drinking water, because that's gross.
by graedion May 30, 2018