30 definitions by good attention

grounding: it can be used in a "mariot" of contexts, see "famous". To be grounded is something!

After an intense period of "flowing" a "psychological auto pilot" returning to yourself or in yourself, becoming aware of surrounding and letting go of tension, being of relaxed mind.

The act of "grounding" can be a spiritual, stimulating and a moving activity. Driving a car or a motorcycle, having an activity (other than work or home) that "enlifts your spirit" with your proverbial feet on the ground, acknowledging gravity and at one with your surroundings, without becoming to attached to objects, animals, people or sweaty clothing. The act of "grounding" sounds as a contradiction to moving but it's not.

Grounding to become aware of the earth you walk on.
"No, be present in your own body, in yourself, not in me, in your mind! In your own, your soul or how you call it? Grounding? Yes, grounding."

"No, i'm grounding, i'm allready whole, don't seperate me from myself!"

"It's the energy thing, what the grounding? Yes, love it!"

"It's in movement we find our grounding!"

"Take of your socks and shoes, we're grounding here!"
by good attention July 29, 2013
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working poverty: a phrase of which every half or decent human being should feel a flash of shame when uttering out loud mostly because it's unnecessary and almost everybody knows this.
Also it tells us that, while people are working they are still "poor" (there are many definitions or feelings concerning the word poor but in this context it can be read as "f***ed" or "scr##ed" or even opportunity, you define it, get creative) some people have very funny ideas on what winning means, i'm sure they read the expression "throphy kids" as if it's a bad thing. (see egg thief for further and broader definition)
"can i lend some money? i thought you we're working? i do and i am, i'm working poverty."

"50-60 hours a week, that should do it, right? Not! Working poverty."

"working poverty, opportunity, bring the coupons."

"surplus-coupons-working poverty-long expiration date-opportunity-stack for winter bro!"

by good attention July 1, 2013
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TMTSTT-why: The Moment They Start Talking To You, the moment you have no clue as to how quickly or fast to get away before the "chitchat" starts.

TMTSTT-why is an allergic reaction to chitchat, it might be the intonation, i can feel my arches going south....it needs pepper...it needs a lot of pepper and prepare to have loooooooooooong midwinter tune out naps. But as they say "chitchat" is part of the friendship deal.
"check my pulse! Why? ...is it TMTSTT-why? Yes. it needs pepper."

"let's go eat something with the guys over there, that group of people give me instant TMTSTT-why! Cool."

"breathe woman breathe...you give me TMTSTT-why."
by good attention December 11, 2013
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a state of being in which the "innerhuman"auto pilot takes over:

because it's a good day, because you've done it hundreds of times, because there are no thoughts present, because it's the rhythm of the morning/afternoon/evening/night, because it's happy hour somewhere in the world, because it's just me, because this is the life, because this is who i am, because ...blank...

Also happens when people take their work home and forget to switch back to "human being" a trade found in many professions and a state of being wherein everyone else sees this person needs a vacation and/or a structural recreational routine with a sidedish of spontaneous "relaxion action" and/ or a main ingredient of please come back to us.
"Get of the psychological auto pilot i am talking to you!"

"Save the psychological auto pilot speech for your clients, this is your mother speaking!"

You're driving, the phone rings: " you're disrupting my psychological auto pilot session, i was flowing."
by good attention July 1, 2013
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Coffee Breath: whether or not someone brushes their teeth before or after coffee, it is still a distinct flavor of a smell that leads the palate numb for days!

Next to being a natural protection against curious children who otherwise would be pre exposed to potential harmfull ways in the intriguing "worlds" of the adults it can be a huge distraction in conversation or other engaging activities if the other person is more sensitive or feelsy about coffee. Fair enough to say, people should brush their teeth, whether they drink coffee or not.
"Do i have coffee breath? I can't tell i haven't used my palate in years!"

"Easy with the coffee breath!"

"I should get coffee breath, that way i won't smell coffee breath."

"I'm done with the coffee, i want to taste my new partner!"
by good attention July 10, 2013
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dip: a dancemove excecutive, only to be done by slighlty bendy and physically "able" people, as demonstrated in the many "home-video shows" on television, can go wrong very easily, thus a little training and practice is important to do those moves correctly. Note! People in wheelchairs are very able to dance, although a dip takes practice and usually not funny.
"have you seen the dip for the crisps? no, i haven't, wanna dance?"
by good attention January 13, 2014
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Hat: in the classy days called headgarment or nowadays known as head gear worn to impress and/or distract people from other bodily parts keeping "the folk" or "the plebs" at an agreeable distance.

Nowadays a few creative people wear a mixture of assorted hats with wich they are judge& jury (judge and jury is an expression, a book, a restaurant and i'm sure a whole bunch of other things) tax avoider, landowner, and boss of the plaines.

Some say a career in the theatre would haven been appropriate for "hats" so we can enjoy and keep an eye on them at the same time, some think the political arena resembles a lot like theatre.

To call somebody a "hat" can imply, that you're impressed by a persons acting skills, or as an offensive remark, it depends on the intonation.
"He seems charming! Not! He's a real hat!"

" I know her from somewhere, doesn't she own something? She's a hat. Oh!"

" YOU HAT! Oh, thank you! IT'S AN INSULT! I couldn't hear my hat is blocking my ears."

" Hat? No, thanks i'm good."
by good attention July 2, 2013
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