18 definitions by gauxapen

your chances of being killed by wisconsin are low, but never zero
by gauxapen April 5, 2021
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guy: hey
guy2: L
guy: fuck you

guy: hello
guy2: t
guy: haha yes
by gauxapen March 31, 2021
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a word that shouldn't be normalized
the n word isn't a good word, it was a racial slur, you don't see mexican people being like"what up my wetback", or homosexual people saying "heyy faggot! howre you doing?"
don't normalize words that shouldnt be normalized
by gauxapen March 23, 2021
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when you space out the letters of a word to attempt to be funny when you're not
unfunny man: bro thats g a y
unhumor man: b r o s p a c e d w o r d s a r e s o f u n n y a n d o r i g i n a l
juice wrld fan: d e p r e s s e d
humor man: shut up

spaced words.
by gauxapen March 31, 2021
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Great underrated rapper inspired by MF DOOM, and collaborates with other underrated rappers like gift of gab, and R.A.
big black guy with afro and glasses
Humphrey: Do you know A-F-R-O?
Jemsterjkan: no
Humphrey: cardi b sucks
Jemsterjkan: yes
by gauxapen March 22, 2021
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a shooting game that releases the same exact game every year but in a different timeline
call of duty slogan: it's nerf or nothin'
by gauxapen April 1, 2021
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