6 definitions by future guy9000

Both a Fish, & a Low-pitch Guitar.
We Fishermen luv playing the Ba̶̻̲̳̎ss!
by future guy9000 October 11, 2019
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Yuzzed means F***ed
This airplane is Yuzzed!
by future guy9000 July 20, 2019
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(according to dictionaries everywhere) in, relating to, or characteristic of a city or town.
by future guy9000 December 30, 2017
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Israeli Apartheid. The Zionist ambition, that will claim all the land, and kill the inhabitants, based on dumb facts that people somehow believe. (Free Palestine.)
I'm tired of all this Nifradot (נפרדות) that I get oppressed in.
by future guy9000 October 19, 2024
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