31 definitions by fubarderby

Lesbian Prada.

That is, however UD insists on 20 letters and 3 words, so this is just filler.
Person A: She is wearing birkenstocks.
Person B: She must be a tuppence-licker.
by fubarderby February 11, 2005
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Baling twine can be used to tie anything together and is the strongest material known to man. If aircraft were built out of this and duct tape, they could survive any crash intact.
A: "This climbing rope is frayed and I have to scale the north face of the Eiger."

B: "Use this length of baling twine instead."
by fubarderby October 22, 2004
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British soldiers have long been know as Tommies because when pay books were 1st issued in 1812 during the Peninsula campaign, soldiers were shown an example pay book in the name shown below:
Private Thomas (Tommy) Atkins of the Grenadiers. Hence a "tommy".
by fubarderby December 27, 2005
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