8 definitions by frodo

Example one: You are SO Fonzie!!!
Example two: That movie was SO not Fonzie!
by frodo November 15, 2004
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A game that was designed by a team of psychologists and pediatricians for children who suffer from mental retardation to keep them amused and occupied so they don't become bored and physically hurt themselves doing other activities.
"Honey, do you think our retards will be safe to leave home alone all by themselves tonight?"

"Oh don't worry honey, they're upstairs playing Outwar, their tard obsessive compulsiveness will keep them at it all night long."
by frodo January 10, 2004
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indie became emo
emo became screamo
screamo became hardcore
And in a few months, non of these genra's will be "in"
by frodo February 26, 2005
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the feelings you get with hardcore are the same feelings you get with punk.
a good sense of "FUCK EVERYONE"

...u know what FUCK this. Why does'nt everyone forget all these new so called "punk" catagories and just go back to the original real real thing..PUNK ROCK...u bunch of pussies....god dammit!!!
fuck examples
what examples
by frodo August 14, 2005
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pape's date rape; aka papes only chance
tonight, pape has a dape
by frodo February 11, 2005
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military acronym for High Altitude, High Opening
soldiers do this to carefully plan their approach by parachute. they are dropped from the plane at a high altitude, i.e., 30,000 or 40,000ft. and open the parachute right after they exit the plane
they can fall for as long as 2 or more hours this way
the soldiers infiltrated the base while avoiding radar by going in with HAHO
by frodo March 1, 2005
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a Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very fat basterd
by frodo November 5, 2003
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