4 definitions by felix badcock

The act of one or more men having sex with a lady, during that time of the month, while ejaculating multiple times, thus making "red cream soda"
did you hear about Gene, Eric and 6, they "whipped up a batch of red cream soda" with that girl.
by felix badcock January 1, 2011
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Refering to a scale of 1 thru 10; when a person, male or female, has a smoking hot body and a not so attractive face.
Damn, that girl/guy is smoking hot from the neck down but her/his face leaves something to desire.

Yeah, she/he is definitely a 10-4
by felix badcock October 9, 2007
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when someone screws up something simple that they do often; referring to sports
"I was dribbling down the court when i 'ran out of talent' and bounced it off of my foot"
by felix badcock July 9, 2006
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