24 definitions by elric21

male; one who releases liquid energy, (ejaculate shot from a friction generator)
LVSed by LL master - "He is the BEST energy giver."

LVSed recently by an LL artisan - "Is there that much difference between an LL artisan and an LL master?"

LVSed by LL master - "If your LL artisan ever takes you to where you want to elevate him to LL master, you'll know."
by elric21 March 14, 2012
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a penis; capable of ejaculating ejaculate (which is also known as liquid energy)
LVS - "And then I took his friction generator and lavaliered myself with his liquid energy, making me his and elevating him to LL master."

LVS hopeful - "Oh that is so romantic."
by elric21 March 14, 2012
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foolishness of the type tom would engage in
"Enough of this greeked tomfoolery. It's called lavaliered."
by elric21 March 14, 2012
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one whose skills have reached artistry level practition of any particular thing one has bent one's mind to...such as the delicate art of lavaliering.
LVR - "I've been an LL artisan for a while now. I feel tonight is the night I become LL master. She will be mine."

(In confidence elsewhere...)

LVS to LVS hopeful - "I think I'm going to elevate my lavalier to master tonight."
by elric21 March 14, 2012
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a place where to roads intersect and all four points have stop signs and everyone thinks they have the right of way. this is also the place were everyone lays on the horn and throws the finger.
by elric21 October 29, 2004
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receiver of lavaliering: if lavaliered unwillingly then lavaliese has not being lavaliered by a master.
LVS - "Did you just draw on me with your lesser mind?"

LVR - "Ya, you're my lavaliese. I just made LL journeyman. Consider yourself lavaliered!"

LVS - "Definitely the last time we exchange energy."
by elric21 March 14, 2012
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