5 definitions by eastern person

it is very funny to watch new episodes of it. and the impressions people do are funny the first 20 times but stop being funny after it...
repetative idiot 1:dont like it
repetative idiot 2:yeah i know
repetative idiot 1:yeah but no but yeah
repetative idiot 2:i want a whipy!
repetative idiot 1:dont like it
repetative idiot 2: I fell
by eastern person January 16, 2005
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an operation which wasent nessesary, if the allies hadent invaded there the germans still would have been defeated, d-day was not to save france from the germans, but to save france from the russians. bye june 1944, the germans had already lost at kursk nearly year before d-day, which was the turning point in the war i nthe east, by late 1945 if the allies hadent invaded, france would have msot likly been part of the soviet union.
the allies were thinking about more than the germans...
by eastern person January 20, 2005
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The country that is owns 75% of the USA's economy,

if saudi arabia stopped selling to the USA, the USA's economy would go down the shit hole.
This is why george bush likes them so mutch.
by eastern person February 2, 2005
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the russian word for friend sometiems used by english people to refer to there friends.
me and my drugs will come round and kick your fucking head in
by eastern person February 2, 2005
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