11 definitions by dugald

Villain from the Mario Bros. series. Looks like a fat, bald turtle with thick glasses. It rides a cloud and hovers near the top of the screen, following Mario wherever he goes. Lakitu is a heartless bastard because he seems to have no problem with pitching an infinite number of his spiked progeny to their death in an attempt to wound or at least annoy Mario. However, he was recently changed careers from most annoying Mario enemy ever, to doing camera work for Mario in his more recent 3-D games, as well as refereeing for the Mario Kart series.
Doug: "Goddammit son of a bitch Lakitu keeps respawning and throwing more eggs at me! FUCK OFF YOU STUPID LAKITU!"
Jared: "Chill man, a balance must be struck in the Mushroom kingdom. Man must learn to coexist with the Lakitu."
by dugald January 2, 2005
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A vital link in nature's chain. Prolonged exposure to raw chicken may cause ocular conjunctivitis.
"Chickens are a vital link in nature's chain! And that's why we use them to play chicken-ball in the house!"
by dugald February 6, 2005
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Term used to describe a gay person on open water, usually implying involvement in piracy or public disturbance.
"Look at those swishbucklers protesting George Bluth Sr.'s retirement! Take your gay pride cruise somewhere else!"
by dugald February 24, 2005
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Term defining a large truck or group of people that obstructs the flow of traffic, either intentionally or unintenionally. Taken from Starcraft, where Ultralisks commonly block up base entrances by accident, preventing zerglings from entering or leaving.
Doug: Dammit, this semi is being a real ultralisk.
Steve: Well, I think you'll get a shot at passing it in a second, oh wait, he moved to keep you from passing. What an ultralisk.
by dugald December 24, 2004
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