6 definitions by dreaminsideofgnfanditsallreall

Something that is..

I actually don't know.
What the point of the mask is...
"Does anyone know what the point of the mask is????"
by dreaminsideofgnfanditsallreall December 13, 2021
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Hernando is scared of nothing.
Hernando holds a cement scraper in his hands while having a bucket on his head. Because he can.
"All the patching's done by Hernando"
"Who's Hernando?"
"I'm Hernando and I'm scared of nothing"
by dreaminsideofgnfanditsallreall January 29, 2022
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The hottest thing Dream says to his boyfriend Georgenotfound. "your such an idiot" Aka means "I wanna bang you against the wall you British fuck"
George: *does something unwordly*
Dream "your such an idiot" (your so hot)
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That jumpscare donation noise that popular streamer, Ranboo, that would play when he get money.
Me: *chilling with Ranboo's stream in the background*
by dreaminsideofgnfanditsallreall December 13, 2021
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Scottish slang to describe any "thing", item, person.
"have you seen my hingy" "I've got a new hingy for my hingy"
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This fucking word is the death of me. I fucking hate it with all my soul. Boils my fucking blood..

Like Eleven from the hit show Stranger Things said:
"When is soon..ON DAY 500?, ON DAY 600?, ON DAY 700?, ON DAY 800!?!"
"When will you be releasing that song 🙂? "

by dreaminsideofgnfanditsallreall December 13, 2021
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