27 definitions by douglas young

The trains that return to the depot at the end of the night without making any stops to pick up passengers.
I thought there weren't any trains left at this hour, but we're in luck-- here comes one now! Oh fuck it's just the midnight express, god dammit!
by douglas young January 26, 2008
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a curse word i made up that is surprisingly effective and adequate, you are free to spread it as you please. it means nothing, really. perhaps they are the balls of a god.
by douglas young August 2, 2008
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A stupid pedestrian.
- Hits the Walk Signal more than once.
- Crosses without a crosswalk at heavy traffic, usually stranding himself on an "island" for many minutes.
- Has not mastered the art of jaywalking.
- Crosses in front of a car who finally gets a break in the traffic he's been wanting to merge with.
Term can be thought of as DERR-pestrian or fake-German like "der pest-rian."
Motherfuckin derpestrian!! Crossin' however you please just 'cause you know you could sue me if I hit you. Bitch.
by douglas young October 26, 2007
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Adblock Plus, an extension for FireFox that prevents ads from ever being displayed.
by douglas young September 3, 2008
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Played in the subways, railing is when you bolt down the train tracks right after a train has left the station, all the way down to the next station. The objective, of course, is to make it to the next one alive. The traditional round is played directly after the last passenger train has left, which is trailed then by the midnight express.
I hate railing in Russia, too many cables along the tracks; you're bound to trip cost you the game!
by douglas young January 26, 2008
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When you thought your cell phone vibrated in your pocket but it didn't, and what's worse-- it's not even in that pocket.
Dude I think I need to go to the doctor, I've been getting faux vibes all day.
by douglas young November 10, 2007
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Someone who you don't know, but see frequently enough that you say "hey" to each other every time you pass.
Guy 1: Hey.
Guy 2: Hey.
Friend of Guy 1: Who was that?
Guy 1: Just my heyguy.
by douglas young September 10, 2007
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