28 definitions by doublestandarddems

gravponics basics are an attempt to describe the basic aspects of gravponics. The combination of linear receptacles and an adjustable drain is the basics of the gravponics system.
gravponics basics is an attempt by the author and creator of gravponics to describe the basic functions of it.
by doublestandarddems April 19, 2013
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The drain system on a gravponics system.
a gravponics drain is used on a gravponics system for it to operate. It is used in combination with the gravponics linear design or the system can not function.
by doublestandarddems April 19, 2013
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when trying to define a word and never getting a single approval on any word i have created is called urbandictionary bias. When the judge sees that every term i have added gets rejected no matter what i say has been denied on here, its called urbandictionary bias.
When i finally get approved i will have so much documentation that i will prove urbandictionary bias by showing the judge emails of nothing ever being approved, yet lots of articles that have to do with smoking pot get approved. This is defined as urbandictionary bias. The editor that rejects this addition to the dictionary will have to answer why they wont approve even a legitimate word like gravponics even though gravponics is a portmanteau.
by doublestandarddems April 19, 2013
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When big pharma is allowed to produce and unlimited amount of pain medication and never gets any blame for the drug problems in the country. This is the essence of big pharma blame game.
When the government issues a license to a pain clinic and the doctors overperscribe medication and the federal court blames the owner of clinic and sentences the granted license holder to 20 years in prison. This would be the scapegoat of the big pharma blame game.
by doublestandarddems April 28, 2013
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When a hydroponic system is built to remain perfectly level. That is the basics of level hydroponics
Level hydroponics is when a hydroponic grow system is built level from one end to the other in all directions.
by doublestandarddems April 23, 2013
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Psyclops 2 is the second generation after the first generation.
After the psyclops apocalypse the second generation, called Psyclops 2, gained control.
by doublestandarddems February 12, 2023
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The 2nd generation of Psyclops that came after the first generation.
The world was very different before the psyclops apocalypse and psyclops2 came to power.
by doublestandarddems February 5, 2023
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