5 definitions by dj dustman

unarguably the pinnacle of morbid sounding heavy metal, written by slayer for their 1986 studio album Reign in Blood.
*raining blood plays*
richard simmons: there's nothing that makes more gayer than slayer. 8-)
by dj dustman September 7, 2013
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a term used for a male who is a person's uncle and brother, as a result from an incestual relationship between his sister and father, or brother and mother.
john and mary are father and daughter. john and mary have a child together named stephen. mary has a brother named cletus. cletus is stephen's broncle.
by dj dustman August 10, 2009
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A person who at the least, gives off the impression of having a superiority complex towards everyone outside his or her social circle with body language and words. Snobs come in many shapes in forms and in just about every style, e.g., Preppy snobs, Artistic snobs, Musical snobs, and even Redneck snobs. Whatever group of snobs someone belongs to, they act like they know everything in that area of knowledge and are less than friendly toward outsiders.
Popular culture snob 1: The last scene of "obscure movie goes here" was so "obscure adjective goes here."

Popular culture snob 2: I know right! "inside joke goes here."

Popular culture snob 1: *high fives.*

Normal person: Excuse me, can anyone tell me where the bathroom is?

Popular culture snob 1: Anyway, I really think we should *obscure activity goes here* because *long rant/opinion goes here.*
by dj dustman October 18, 2010
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a popular college town in north carolina known for its dead music scene and population of snobby college kids, businessmen, and drunks. most dine in restaurants are ridiculously expensive and it's common for hoards of naive blondes to jaywalk when you're about to drive through a green light.
jay: bro, let's go score some fish in the 'hill. (chapel hill)
jordan: yeah man, i haven't had a blowjob in two days. let's do this.
by dj dustman September 7, 2013
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One of Britain's most popular channels. Mostly features game shows and horse racing. Still better than American TV.
Albert: Darling, turn on the tele to Channel 4. Countdown's on!

Margerie: Ooh, I hope that Baxter lad gets the boot! Bloody know-it-all.

Teenage spiked Mohawk grandson: *sigh*
by dj dustman October 3, 2015
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