13 definitions by denny

After reading all of the above definitions, it has become clear to me what a Redneck is: Someone who can spell better than those who denigrate him, construct intelligent thoughts and sentences, someone who is proud of their country and heritage, someone who is secure in themselves, someone who is self-reliant and hard working, an independent thinker with a sense of morals and, mostly, someone who is not hypocritical.
It seems like many of those who think Rednecks are something bad are the same people who hold Bill Clinton (Southern, sexual deviant, liquor swiller, no moral standards) in high regard. Hypocrites.
You LIBERALS should zip up your mouths - your minds are showing.
Rednecks are realists, not idealists. The socialist utopians will not reign because the Redneck is real.
by denny March 22, 2004
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Getting the heck out of town. Leaving the area.
It's butt shagging time!
by denny March 2, 2005
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A player of a certaint game called Day Of Defeat the original user of this name is Denny,He made this word first and many posers used it but the real user is Denny
Dark dog just OWNED your ass
Darkdog is cool
Darkdog says HI
by denny July 11, 2004
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1. A statement of being, purpose, or intent.
2. Short for gravy
3. Short on gravy
4. A person who does not eat beef but enjoys a bit of gravy
5. Plastic
1. Everyone cheered as the president handed in his LeftSock to congress
2. Pass the LeftSock
3. We're a bit LeftSock
4. Why aren't you eating dinner? Don't be a LeftSock
5. LeftSock
by denny June 23, 2003
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