17 definitions by davethejag

Acronym for "I Have a Dildo Up Me Arse", a term relating to a person with an extremely strange walk and sits down very gingerly so much so that it appears they have some sort of large sex aid inserted into their anus and it is causing extreme discomfort
Cor look at jason over there, never seen anyone walking and sitting down like that, looks like he's got a 12 incher up his arse, he's IHADUMA, it's gonna be the end of him if he doesn't remove it
by davethejag July 13, 2010
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A Bullet Nut is a complete buffoon who makes basic random simple errors that even a baby could get correct
look at warren over there, the baldy bastard has cocked up so many orders up in one morning he is a total bullet nut, he's gonna get his ass kicked by the boss from teesside if he doesnt start pulling his weight
by davethejag March 10, 2014
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making love to a woman who has had several gentlemen precede you into the said woman leaving their ejaculate inside the said woman, her pussy being full cum, hence porridge!
i don't know what fash is up to, but if he gets into pd he'll definitely be stirring porridge on a grand scale.
bagging up is required at the very least!
by davethejag February 22, 2009
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driving a vehicle to it's maximum capabilities of performance
i have a misfire on me vectra, but it only happens at high speed when i'm hossin the tits off it!
by davethejag February 6, 2009
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when one has an extremely loose bowel movement it sprays out like a super soaker
cor look at fash on the beach! he's been caught short and had nowhere to go in a hurry so he's just fired a super soaker all over the beach
by davethejag November 7, 2008
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an extremely loose bowel movement in that the said movement comes out like a brown jet of water in the style of a "super soaker"
me and fash were digging for worms when he got caught short on the beach, with nowhere to run he fired a super soaker that covered the beach in his runny shat
by davethejag November 17, 2008
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A lady of ample proportions who likes to carry out predatory fetishes on willing victims
Look at Buzzard over there, she's squatting over Dowser ready to tak a dump on his chest and then slash it off, I hope the table can take their sick game
by davethejag October 1, 2009
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