48 definitions by danny delinquent

"You can catch me on the west coast, with a fly ass stripper tied to my bed posts, lookin like Alicia Keyes on her knees, lickin <i>the bag</i>, just for a freeze" - The Transplants
by danny delinquent July 14, 2004
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A rhetorical question, rooted in Distillers message board lore, which has become a metaphysical problem of tremendous proportions.

When someone asks you what a truck is, don't pretend you know. Your concept of a truck, as a big motor vehicle with a flat bed in back, or perhaps as the piece of metal that connects the wheels of a skateboard to the deck, is only scraping the surface of this quandary. This question is on par with the meaning of life, in terms of complexity.
"Dude, I kept seeing these huge wheeled things on I-80, on my way up here. It was alarming, I have no idea what they were."

"Don't look at me, I have no idea what you were talking about."
by danny delinquent January 19, 2004
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Of dubious honesty; greedy, like a shyster.
They didn't give you your money back? That's hella shysty, dude.
by danny delinquent September 26, 2003
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Pejorative term first coined by Frank Zappa, used to describe long, boring, wanky guitar solos. Onomotopoeically derived from the three note patterns commonly played by 'virtuoso' guitar soloists.
"Fuck Satriani, all he does is go deedly deedly dee all day. If I wanted to listen to someone jerk off, I would do it myself."
by danny delinquent December 22, 2003
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East Bay slang term, indicating familiarity with and affection towards any given subject. Can also be used in the negative, as in "I'm SO not friends with that" to express distaste for the subject. Similar to being down with that.
"Stay home and smoke a blunt with you instead of going to school? I'm hella good friends with that."

"Dude, they wanted me to stay until midnight, sitting on my thumbs. I'm NOT friends with that."
by danny delinquent December 5, 2003
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A pretty cool town, but overpriced and crowded, with really bad traffic, terrifying hills to drive over, and parking is a royal pain in the ass. Live in the East Bay, go to San Francisco when you need to.
My ex girlfriend paid like $1000 a month for an apartment in Pacific Heights, I pay $750 for an apartment in North Oakland.
by danny delinquent August 15, 2003
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A form of employment which pays well enough that the employee is mostly if not completely fiscally self-sufficient.

A real grownup job often but not necessarily requires postsecondary education and a 40+ hour work week. It may or may not involve working in an office, and may or may not be enjoyable or fulfilling. The primary qualification is that the job pays well enough for a responsible adult to live in a reasonably modest but comfortable manner with little or no outside help, be it in the form of a second job, trust fund or other form of mooching.
"Dude, I'm getting pretty fucking sick of being a broke ass college kid. I need a real grownup job."
by danny delinquent July 18, 2006
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