22 definitions by d00d

One of various webpages dedicated to helping you find webpages related to your query.
google is the best search engine
by d00d June 20, 2003
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t3h h@><0r
Kess hacked 404!
by d00d September 1, 2003
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a form of bdsm involving electrostimulation and sometimes bondage
i wired that babe and she came like the nile...
by d00d October 2, 2004
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Used like "have got to do"
i gotsta go
by d00d June 20, 2003
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To be a master brown noser; An expert at ass kissing; To have an enormous nose
That dude is t3h n0s3 m4st4!!!!111
by d00d April 27, 2004
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You carryin' steel?
by d00d June 27, 2003
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Neo is the one.
by d00d June 27, 2003
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