8 definitions by d-cup


(noun) -- snow that has become blackened by automotive and industrial pollution; tends to accumulate in large urban areas
All of Cleveland is covered in smow -- W. H. Auden
by d-cup December 14, 2004
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(n) the one foul-tasting Goebel lager in most twelve packs.
Oh man, I just found the Judas! -- Sir Elton John
by d-cup January 26, 2005
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(n) a biracial person; a person of mixed race (from "point 5", i.e., 50%), usually a person with one parent of African heritage and one parent of European heritage. Most often used in East African countries (Kenya, Uganda, etc.).
Axl didn't realize that Slash was a pointy when he hired him.
by d-cup November 5, 2011
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mayor's spot

(n) the parking space nearest to your destination; the best parking spot.
Alright! I've got the mayor's spot. -- Edgar Allan Poe
by d-cup July 8, 2006
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mayor's spot

(n) the parking space nearest to your destination; the best parking spot.
Alright! I've got the mayor's spot. -- Edgar Allan Poe
by d-cup July 8, 2006
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a disagreeable, conniving, malodorous, spurious and/or illegitimate person. cf bastard.
Eric Romer is perhaps the most magnificent mansard in the greater Miami Valley region. -- W.B. Yeats
by d-cup April 22, 2004
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(n) a penis that is equally as long as it is wide.
That East German gentleman's badger was as unpleasant as a sugar-free enema. -- Melissar Bautistar
by d-cup September 11, 2006
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