12 definitions by cosmixmaster

To engage in oral sex immediately after anal sex.
Yeah, I was giving this girl an Alabama Crab Apple when she sucked the stink off my pud.
by cosmixmaster June 4, 2003
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Guy A: You suck.
Guy B: You're a stupid fucker.
Guy A: You're a dumb cocksucker.
Guy B: You're a poop sucker.
Guy A: Your mom eats shit.
Guy B: You're a funky badonkadonk monkey.
Guy A: ...dammit.
by cosmixmaster June 4, 2003
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Something that is incredibly badass
Did you hear what happened to the guy who messed with Ditka? Ditka dropkicked his forehead with his penis.
by cosmixmaster January 3, 2003
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a guy who puts smegma on his sandwiches
"darryl puts smegma on his sandwiches instead of mayonaise."

"dude darryl's a total dro"
by cosmixmaster July 15, 2004
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To smack or attack someone with a penis.
I just jaloped you!
by cosmixmaster July 1, 2003
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