13 definitions by clubpenguinfun

Sodi, short for Sodium, is that tricky trickster of an element.
You start looking for it as an S or So then you realise it's Na.
Then your world is turned upside down.
And you fail chemistry.
Ey Allison, can you find sodi?
'Na' I can't, sorry TashaLad.
by clubpenguinfun June 3, 2016
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Brown stain (also the name for a shit) is the commonly used English slang for a dickhead of a teacher who doesn't care about anything other than himself
theyre typically geordie
u seen that brown stain?
hes an arse him
by clubpenguinfun June 7, 2016
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The slang term for stealing something.
Allison, I heard you chaffed that beaver toy?
No Tasha, I was just borrowing it.
by clubpenguinfun June 3, 2016
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Laughing to the point which your face turns blue and you nearly pass out.
Last night Carl did a proper bigolblue
by clubpenguinfun June 3, 2016
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A youngish man who you think is a bit risky.
They tend to have long greasy hair and glasses, you don't know if you can trust them.
They also tend to be into science.
I'd stay away from that weird guy, he's probably an acute pedo!
by clubpenguinfun June 3, 2016
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When you really hate someone, then they get on your last nerves and you really want to punch them in the face but instead you just do a drain pipe and metaphorically try smack them over the head with a pipe.
Did you hear? That Tasha girl just did a drain pipe to that Daisy girl!
by clubpenguinfun June 3, 2016
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When you're a classic nerd, and the only thing that fancies you is a Frog. But you're so popular with Frogs you're labelled as a stud.
Ey yo, you seen that physics teacher?
Aye, he's a pure frogstud.
by clubpenguinfun June 3, 2016
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