32 definitions by clint

1) A very intuitive person who just happens to be able to figure out technology just by playing around with it, usually without any prior experience with said technology. This person is able to figure out any technology, from cell phones, to car stereos, to paper shredders.

2) Never needs instructions on assembly of any new technology and always does it right.
Yogi's such a techack. He's never even used that cell phone before and he's managed to program his own ring.
by clint July 26, 2004
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The feeling of being actively bored, wanting to have something to do but not knowing what to do, anxious.
"Danzig is a cool band."
by clint October 2, 2003
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"I've got a fever...and the only prescription for that fever...is more cowbell!"
by clint May 19, 2004
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noun; anorexitron

1. A robot which suffers from the eating disorder anorexia.
2. A term often used for a person who is or appears to be anorexic.

(from New Latin, from Greek, from a- + orexis appetite, from oregein + Greek, suffix denoting an instrument; akin to Old English -thor, suffix denoting an instrument, Latin -trum)
1. At dinner, the anorexitron dumped its motor oil onto its napkin when none of the other robots were looking.
2. Despite his heavy eating habits, Maxwell is a total anorexitron.
by clint September 4, 2004
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