5 definitions by chocothunder

Spanish for sucking on or something suckable. Mostly candy. Also used as a sexual term for sucking dick, chocaha, or tetas
"Ay, mami! Chupame!"
by chocothunder September 3, 2004
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Dude: I can't believe I met the legendary samurai

Bro: Yo I heard he broke Ao Oni's ankles
by chocothunder November 6, 2017
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Something that really sucks or make no sense
1: "Bro i failed my test"
2: "thats so rank"
by chocothunder February 27, 2022
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Very large breasts. Same as melones or chichis
Damn yo! Look at them tetas!!!
by chocothunder September 3, 2004
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