87 definitions by chernorizets hrabr

Typically of Eastern European descent, eurotrash are pale, lanky nocturnal young adults temporarily living in the United States to take advantage of inflation and return to their home countries. Eurotrash usually work as chambermaids, waitresses, or McDonald's drive-thru cashiers. Though they are supposedly working to pay for tuition, Eurotrash almost always blow their not-so-hard-earned money on FCUK shirts, hairgel, highlights, unnecessary jewelery, green shoes, and anything that says "Dior" on it. When not lamenting their grueling 4 hour shifts and screwing up orders, they interact solely with people from their own country. Some well known hobbies of Eurotrash include smoking cheap cigarettes, drinking copious amounts of vodka, refraining from the consumption of food, making rude and/or lewd comments in obscure languages, and complaining about how there is no "Discotek" nearby.
While on their cigarette break, Todor and Stevcho saw a guy wearing a hoodie and jeans that were not bought from The GAP, and went on about how Americans "have no sense of style". What eurotrash.
by chernorizets hrabr July 14, 2006
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Avid listeners of the alternative metal band known as Tool. Tool fans believe that, by listening to music with no concept of time signatures and pseudo-cryptic lyrics sang by a man known as Maynard Ivory James Keenan Wayans, it puts them on a higher intellectual and musical plateau than fans of non-"prog" bands. You can pick a Tool fan out of a crowd easily, by looking for a college student who speaks of issues which he has little to no understanding of, rants about conspiracy theories, is a half-hearted activist and constantly reeks of bong water. A Tool fan, as a rule, will never look presentable, wearing yesterday's hoodie and a baseball cap over his unwashed and shaggy hair.
You know Jeff? That annoying kid who shows up 30 minutes late to class every day with serious redeye and voices his stance on everything from abortion to extraterrestrialism without being asked? I hear he's a big Tool fan. Figures.
by chernorizets hrabr August 28, 2006
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Innovators of the heavy metal subgenre we now know as nu-metal or aggro-rock. Korn currently consist of 4 members now that rhythm guitarist Head has departed the band; Jonathan Davis, a great frontman and talented vocalist, Munky, a rather average guitarist (along with Head), Fieldy, a pretty slick bassist who greatly defines the band's sound, and Dave Silveria, an underrated and highly talented drummer. KoRn is known for their heavy sound, low-tuned guitars and dark themes and humour.

KoRn has many devoted fans around the world who love them for the music, not because of some poseur teen-angst image complex. It is because of these poseurs that many people hate KoRn, basing their opinion on the fact that many people who like the band shop at Hot Topic and suck at life, so the band must suck too. In reality, KoRn are respected by musicians as innovators, and famous because their sound simply kicks ass. KoRn acknowledges the fact that their recent albums have been sub-par due to wiggerism and promises to return to their roots in their next album. Hey, at least they admit it and learn from it, unlike some bands who use the phrase "people don't like it just because it's different" as an excuse for their crapiness.

In conclusion, you don't have to like KoRn... just don't hate on them for stupid reasons. A lot of people think "real" metal bands like Iron Maiden and Lamb of God suck too, so keep that in mind when you bash them.
KoRn may not be the most technical band out there, but they are original and talented.
by chernorizets hrabr July 24, 2005
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A sad excuse people use to have definitions of things they don't like removed from Urban Dictionary, even if they are truthful and non-offensive. Common among those who have no respect for things outside their personal realm of interests.
If everything that is "Not Urban Slang" was removed from Urban Dictionary, we'd have about 300 words.
by chernorizets hrabr November 6, 2004
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A barbaric battle cry, used while backhanding your foe with a swipe from your battle axe, warhammer, or two-handed sword. Can also be used to describe the smashing of someone or something in this manner.
"SCHMEEEESCH!" roared Wulfgar the Terrible, smashing the face of Jordan into pulp with his warhammer.
by chernorizets hrabr October 1, 2004
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A confusing term created by confused people who think you can classify a race by a language. Residents of "latin" American countries refer to themselves as latino because of their descendants from Spain. Little do they realize that most of said countries had next to zero interbreeding with Spaniards and a vast majority of those who refer to themselves as latin have zero Spanish blood. Countries and people who should obviously not be called latino are somehow lumped under this category simply because they speak Spanish. Blacks born in the Dominican Republic are somehow latino, as are white europeans from Spain. Blacks and Spaniards racially and ethnically have NOTHING in common with residents of the Latin Americas but call themselves the same race. Somehow, under this theory, a Spaniard is latin, but an Italian is not, despite the fact that pretty much everything Latin really came from Rome.

Latino is an overly vague, catch-all term and a misnomer that attributes a culture to people that don't belong to it, at the same time depriving one of their actual heritage. A Mexican is a Mexican. A Spaniard is a Spaniard. A Puerto Rican is a Puerto Rican.
(what goes through a Spaniard's mind when filling out a form...)

Manuel: Hmmm, race? What to choose, what to choose... well, I AM white, so I should probably choose caucasian... Wait, never mind! I speak Spanish! Therefore, THIS is my race! (checks the "latino" box)
(example of the obvious flaws in using the term "latin" to describe a Spanish-speaking person)

Cesar: I'm from Mexico and I have REAL latin culture, something whites could only dream of.

Antonio: Well, I'm Italian, I'm white, and I ACTUALLY come from REAL latins. You know, the ones who lived in Europe, not Central America. Your ancestors come from Native Indians.

Cesar: (goes ballistic and calls Antonio a racist gringo)
by chernorizets hrabr January 27, 2007
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