47 definitions by carl j. maltese

One of the three world superstates as described in George Orwell's "1984."
Oceania consists of North and South America, Austrailia, New Zealand, some of the Pacific islands, all the Atlantic islands--including the British Isles-- and South Africa. The British Isles are known as "Airstrip 1."
"One was expected to stand at attention when 'Oceania 'tis for thee' played over the telescreen..."
by carl j. maltese April 10, 2007
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"Imatation" spelled backwards. Used as a seemingly harmless word to describe someone of either gender who is: an annoying braggart, a B.S. artist, an egotist, is shallow, fake, two faced, and/or self-centered, and/or all of the above. Usually said "person" is so-full-of-themselves that they never figure out what the word is or means!
"Ha! Listen to that Mikey talken' about single-handedly winning the football game! Like we didn't help. What a noitatami!!"
by carl j. maltese April 22, 2007
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An out-doors game that incorporates the skill of horse-shoes with the thrill of terminal head injury.
"I was about to learn that you should never be on the receiving end in a game of 'catch the lawn darts'...."
by carl j. maltese October 17, 2007
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The televangelist who, on national telvision, will peel-off his human mask and reveal to the world that he is the Antichrist!
"How do I know Pat Robertson is the Antichrist?
Jerry Falwell told me so!"
by carl j. maltese May 23, 2007
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1970's term for who are now referred to as burnouts and dirtbags.
"You know that new kid around the corner? The one with the hippie parents? He's a real cigarette smoking Scurv!"
by carl j. maltese April 10, 2007
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The greatest DJ who ever lived. Period.
The only man with any guts to stand-up to the Powers-That-Be and tell the uncensored truth!
The first truly alternative morning radio show worth listening to, as compared to the "Morning Zoo Crews."
The only one worth listening to.
The ONE!
"Howard Stern has the distinct honor of having a public rest-room named after him on the Jersey Turnpike!"
by carl j. maltese May 15, 2007
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1) Any chromed, flashy, tricked-out, or pretentious looking car designed soley for attracting shallow minded women.

2) Any chromed, flashy, tricked-out, or pretentious looking car driven by a pimp.
Tim: "Check-out Danny In is chrome covered cuntmobile!"

John: "Think He'll pick-up chicks in that thing?"

Tim: "Hell! You already know he's a pimp with ten years experience!"
by carl j. maltese May 4, 2007
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