3 definitions by by:Shema Deutsch's worshipper

a person whom people view as a God of Germany because of their obsession with the German language and culture.
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a cocky character from the anime/manga Death Note who thinks he is a fucking God just because he has the Death Note. He kills criminals and eats potato chips in a badass way. Homosexuality is transferred to him because of his last name being spelled backward Imagay
Oh my god Light Yagami is such a jerk
I know right
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Feminism is a social movement where woman with blue hair and a fair amount of piercings that are poorly done fight for the mass genocide of all men while those same women fetishize gay men.

Of course feminism discriminates men since NOT ALL MEN ARE LIKE THAT
Jason: feminism sexist guy version is just made up
Mark:yeah lets go harass women and get mad when they call us creeps
by by:Shema Deutsch's worshipper February 28, 2021
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